Detached Your Bad Memories

Sometimes, I find myself looking at old pictures that gathered my mind with memories from the past. It can make me smile, it can make me sad, or sometimes it makes I cry. I have poured out a few lessons and experiences of my past that were holding me back and put me into deep depression. It took me years to step out of it and become awakened with a new mindset.

Today I’m sharing with you my simple thought of the choices we made in the past. The past or memories are memories and experiences which we store in our mind, either it stores in the compartment of our mind and always be ready to open at any moments or hides in the secret compartment of our mind and left it unaddressed.

For some are weaknesses in personality and competence. When left unaddressed, these weaknesses limit our potential for impact and significance.

For others are abilities we use to navigate and provide value to this world define the lives we live and the change we can offer. And by recalling our strengths in the past, we can better recognize our opportunities in the present.

Don’t just attached and lingered onto the past. We must discover them, recognize them, and learn to overcome them by seeking the help of others.

There are countless life-giving lessons we can learn from our past. Each new day presents opportunity to become a new person on a new road destined for a new future. 

Faith Through God’s Grace

Faith had helped me maintain the hope needed to meet and overcome the challenges of my life time. I have created 2 minutes video of how the hope of Faith Through God’s Grace is changing my life for the better.

What is faith?

Faith is an expression of hope for something better. More than a wish, it is closer to a belief, but not quite. A belief is rooted in the mind. Faith is based in the heart and spirit.

Through all of the trials and tribulations we might face, it’s faith that gives us that helping hand. It works to guide us in the right direction, moving us towards and allowing us to discover our purpose in life.

No matter what the situation is, no matter how bad or dire you think it might seem, your faith can and will get you through it. 

Never give up on your hopes, dreams, and importantly never give up faith.