New Year, New Resolution, New You

January 1st is right around the corner and it’s my Golden BIRTHDAY!!!

It’s exciting and maybe a little bit scary because turning 50 is a milestone in my life, but it’s true — 2023 will be here.

Cliché or not, deciding to be better is great!

Are you thinking about taking on a New Year’s resolution or two? I know I do! I suggest starting small and focusing on a goal at a time. Because the best resolutions are the ones you can keep.

So, to help you get started, I have a list of my vision board as my New Year’s resolutions ideas:

My (five) 5 M(s)
1.Managing & budgeting money
2.Moving to be fit
3.Meditating and praying
4.Mingling more with loved ones. 5.Making a positive impact in the world

It’d be a shame if all the New Year’s resolution planning you did went to waste. So, be sure to write down your goals and keep them somewhere where you’ll remember to do them. Like in a planner!

Do you have a vision board or new resolution for the new year 2023?

Welcome The New Year With Joy

Self-Reflection Questions

1) How can I make this New Year more joyous than the last one?

2) What can I do to bring more joy to others in the coming year?

3) How can I embrace the changes and challenges of the New Year?

It’s a time of endings and beginnings as we close one year and begin a fresh new year. It is a time for reflection and rebirth. A new year is cause for much joy and celebration!

The New Year is a magical time. The fresh start of a new year is an exciting opportunity to improve and become more than I am. It is a chance for reinvention and abundant happiness.

The New Year is a great time to release unhelpful patterns, habits, hobbies, and relationships in your life, and replace them with something better.

To have great joy, I open my mind and my heart to what the New Year will bring. I avoid fearing the change that the ending of one year offers. I welcome change because it allows for growth. Change keeps things interesting and eventful. I find excitement and joy in every new experience.

The New Year provides me with an opportunity for reflection and growth. Each day provides that, but the changing of a year is more significant. As I reflect on the New Year, I realize all of the joy the past year brought to me. I reflect on the past year’s challenges, as well as its moments of great peace and happiness.

It is these moments that I seek to experience again. The coming of a new year provides me with more chances for these peaceful, joyous moments.

Today, I embrace and welcome the joy the New Year will surely bring to me. Happy New Year to you all!!!