It’s Always Possible If You Actually Put Your Mind To It and Take Action

I’ve read a quote by Nelson Mandela — “It’s always impossible until it’s done!” It’s true! We always think it’s impossible to start doing things that are out of our comfort zone. Yet if you put your mind to it and take actions then everything is possible.

My mother’s death affected my family, relationship with my husband and took such a major the emotional toll on me. I broke down physically, mentally, and spiritually. I had suicidal thoughts everyday. For four years, life and family were difficult.

However, the inner healing journey had inspired me to become a writer in hope to help and guide people so they can embrace happiness in their lives. But before becoming an author, one of my family members had told me that my English is not good enough and no one will read my book. I actually believed it. Fortunately, not long later, I decided to proof that I can write a book and I did!

My book is a motivational self help book with 7 steps ACTIONS Methodology guide to help women who had lost their loved ones on how to break past their grief and regain their daily life purpose. 

As you notice the word ACTIONS, the Cambridge Dictionary defines it as the process of doing something, especially when dealing with a problem or difficulty. Be aware and extremely conscious about your thoughts all the time. Most of the time, we don’t notice our thoughts – they go on in the background, helping us make decisions and carry out many tasks automatically. Thoughts turn into emotions then turn into actions. I did just that!

Recently, I joined and wrote my first article. You can read it here. It took me awhile to take this big step writing on someone else platform. I am new at their platform, but importantly, I did it.

It’s always possible if you put your mind to it and take action. Your actions build your life!